viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011
This is it
This is it.
An empty bank, a dust on the sidewalk.
A plastic bottle against your step,
a little brick up/down the street,
thousend stones,
but without sea.
A wish of a hand, a hand,
and his loneliness behind.
It is a window without curtains,
It is a dead rosemary on the table.
It is someone cooking with the space.
It is an unmade bed, dirty blankets.
It is a bath, a travel toothbrush.
Clothes on the floor.
This is it.
A walk by,reality wishes,
a sunset between buildings,not trees,
a cigarette between two,
a middle cuddle,
a growing moon, a kiss,
just a little kiss on the lips and a long goodbye.
This is it.
Take what you want, think what you wish,
you choose, but this is it, girl.
A stucked body in the middle of the way,
a taxi car passing by,
people smoking at the departure door.
This is it.
A thouch, a skin, a moment.
And the rest is on your mind.
Don´t look for, don´t wait for, don´t expect for,
´cause your expectations will be your despairs.
And you will feel so old and so tired.
Don´t make up anything,
It is the concrete road,
It is the electricity in the computer,
It is a song, It is a note.
Today is not your day nor tomorrow nor the day after.
This is it,
and as soon as you get it,
as easier you will see the end.
This is it, girl,
It could be a longer list of objets, pieces, acts,names,words,actions...but the conections between them are done by you,
and there is where you lost any sense of reality
and stars your mind.
Welcome to This is it,
take your time and learn how to breath wihout pain.
This is it.
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
Today was the day.
Today was the day she had to make a decision.
Today was a normal working day, could be wednesday or tuesday, just a day,to-day.
Today was like those thousend days you have, just one more.
One more (apparently) no special day, nothing to expect, except for her.
Just one more.
At morning, with people on the street,
no surprises, everyone at their place as always at that time that day.
Nothing rare except her.
She tries to get that normality into her. Nothing to do.
She almost faint from the war it was in her veins.
Breath, look herself in a door-mirror and go on.
Spanish was the language but English deeply.
She didn´t want to think it too much pretending being strong,
but she was just scare of growing fears (they were growing so fast indeed).
Breath once again.
Being a frozen body while everything moves around,
wind, people walking by, plastic bags, little rocks, empty bottles...
everything moves except her.
She doesn´t know which step do.
It was those days suddenly you feel the present, the real present
that heavy, that you can not move neither her.
She saw all her future from that day concentraded
in a little white pill.
She just had to shallow and time will roll on again.
She will never know how it will be,
she will never know if it was yes or no,
but she knew she was closing a big door that never will be open again.
Just shallowing.Closed eyes.And shallow.
That pill was a big MAYBE with capital letters,
a big WHO KNOWS blinked electric neon lights on a dark highway she was driven by alone.
And that was her murdered.
"I have great desire. My desire is great"
Murdering wishes.
She was just pushing life to be lived.
To believe that it´s done to live it.
But the big silence around her discuss what to decide,
how we wake up, how we walk, how we have to breathe and when,
how we have to fuck, how we have to eat and what,
that silence was strangulating her.
And what happen if you don´t listen that silent?
She was forced to do it by anyone and everyone.
How would it have being?
"I have great desire. My desire is great"
Just wanted to live life.
Texto: Gloria March
Foto: Isaac Torres
jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011
Los Anacolutos presentan Las Ausencia
24 febrero - 6 marzo Sala Mirador. Madrid
10 marzo - 14 marzo Espacio Inestable. Valencia
Una persona se desafía a sí misma en una espera
prolongada de sí misma
en una espera prolongada se construye a sí misma
en una espera prolongada en soledad.
Dramaturgia y dirección: Tanya Beyeler
Intérprete: Gloria March
Textos: Gloria March y Tanya Beyeler
Iluminación: Isaac Torres
Audiovisuales: Ainara Pardal
Música: Nick Perry, Gloria March y Ainara Pardal
Una creación de Los Anacolutos.
miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011
La Caída
*Leer con "I know you are but what I am" de Mogwai.
Apago la luz y el interruptor
De repente una foto de la pared se despega
El pomo de la puerta le sigue con un estruendo.
La puerta del armario se lanza al vacío
como si estuviera deseándolo desde hace tiempo.
Los botones van cayendo uno a uno,
como quien no quiere la cosa.
Lo que empezó como un goteo de caídas
empieza a ser un plan comunitario
(aparentemente doméstico).
La lampara se descuelga ella sola,
la pintura de la pared se suelta a tiras
Los hilos que formaban mi ropa
se han ido desligando
y cayendo,
las patas de la cama ya no aguantan nada
y se han dejado también
Yo me quedo impávida
ante tanta
por un instante pienso en levantarme
y aguantar la estantería antes de que decida también caerse
(tiene toda la pinta de ser la siguiente),
pero no,
sigo quieta.
Según el diccionario
mi cara estaba libre de pavor,
pero ¿cómo vas a liberarte del pavor
cuando adivinas el desastre que está a punto de venir?
Cuando has tenido 500 dramas el que hace 501 es mucho menos drama,
eso es todo.
Y efectivamente,
la estantería con todos los libros
se derrumba
y la cosa doméstica empieza a tener carácter de mayúsculas.
Las caídas ajenas
me obligan ya a moverme
y a levantarme de la silla porque ya empieza a cojear
(la primera pata ya se ha lanzado a bajo)
Los ladrillos de la pared se sueltan
uno a uno
o en pareja,
dejando agujeros.
Empiezo a ver la calle desde el que era hasta ahora mi cuarto.
Y descubro que no sólo se caen las cosas aquí,
la calle entera está
de hecho ya no se puede llamar calle.
Las aceras se han deshecho,
los zócalos
como si estuvieran derretidos,
parece que los semáforos se den la vez para caerse de uno en uno,
la ciudad entera está
Es como un terremoto pero hacía fuera.
Empiezo a pensar que esto va a doler,
que después de tanta caída la siguiente voy a ser yo,
así que como si de un accidente aéreo se tratara
no entro en pánico
e imito los dibujos de los prospectos de los aviones,
intento respirar hondo como si tuviera una bolsita de papel antiestress
y no supiera lo que es reír ni llorar.
Una autómata especialista en situaciones peligrosas,
una domadora del pánico.
Intento concentrarme para ver si consigo parir una superviviente en este caos.
Y entonces
sobre un lugar donde no hay color
(los que caen sabrán de lo que hablo),
donde no se oye nada
y todo alrededor
Y en todo ese
ya no queda suelo donde
una vez
Y así,
me he convertido
Texto: Gloria March
Foto: Ainara Pardal
Videocreación Las Ausencia
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